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Toronto Real Estate Market Update

While the stats show home prices have increased in the month of October 2023 compared to the same time last year, prices remained relatively flat from the previous month. The big change we are seeing is the inventory levels are way up and the sales volume is down.

This presents an opportunity for buyers. You can likely avoid competing on a property and negotiate on price and terms, which has'nt always been an option for succesful buyers in recent years. If you own your current home and are looking to move, it may be wise to sell first. This ensures you don't over extend on your purchase and can upgrade/downsize with confidence. 

Homes are taking longer to sell and we are seeing alot of terminated listings and price adjustments. The properties that are selling are the ones priced correctly to today's market conditions. If you want to get your property sold then the correct pricing and presentation are extremly important.

Another segmemt of the market that is feeling the impact of high interest rates is new home and pre-construction sales. We are noticing that there are a growing number of assignment sales being offered at a discount from the original purchase price. If you are considering purchasing an assignment it is imperative that you have representation and have the contract reviewed thoroughly. 

What's next for the real estate market in Toronto, well nobody knows for sure. With so many mortgages set to renew in the next few years we will certainly be watching and waiting to see what happens with interest rates moving forward.
