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Avoid these common mistakes Home Buyers Make

Buying a home is exciting, but it can be scary too and rightfully so it's a lot of money and likely the biggest investment you will ever make. Thats why we make sure our clients are well informed and protected ensuring a smooth process from start to finish. Check out this list of common mistakes home buyers make when they are not properly informed.

Avoid these common mistakes Home Buyers Make

1. Not being pre-approved for a mortgage

2. Not having your taxes filed and up to date

2. Making a big purchase before closing or getting a line of credit/credit card. ie. car

3. Changing jobs before your deal closes

4. Not having your deposit available – having it in certain online banks or stuck in investments like RSP's

5. Not looking at mortgage terms closely and just choosing the best rate

6. Not understanding the closing costs and added costs of moving

7. Not fully understanding the costs of repairs and renovations

8. Not selling your existing home first in some situations

9. Not considering the re-salability of the home 

10. Not knowing the proper zoning and if there is an easement that affects the property

If you are thinking of making a move and would like to ensure a smooth process, give us a call or email and we will get you set up for success.

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